MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet


File Name: emsdiasum_com_11900.asp

                     Mater ial S afety Data S heet
N- B utyl Acetate
E MS Cat alog # 1 1 9 0 0
S ection 1 - Chemical Pr oduct and Company I dentification

MS D S N am e: N- B utyl Acetate
Cat alog N u m ber s : 11900
S yn on ym s : Acetic Acid B utyl Es ter ; B utyl Acetate; 1- B utyl Acetate; B utyl Ethanoate.
Com pan y I den t if icat ion :
Electr on Micr os copy S ciences
321 Mor r is Road
For t Was hington, PA 19034
F or in f or m at ion , call: 215- 646- 1566
F or CH E MT R E C as s is t an ce, call: 800- 424- 9300
F or I n t er n at ion al CH E MT R E C as s is t an ce, call: 703- 527- 3887

S ection 2 - Compos ition, I nfor mation on I ngr edients

CAS # Ch em i cal N am e P er cen t E I N E CS / E L I N CS
123- 86- 4 N- butyl acetate > 98.0 204- 658- 1

H az ar d S ym bols : None lis ted.
R is k P h r as es : 10 66

S ection 3 - Hazar ds I dentification


Appear ance: clear , color les s liquid. Flas h Point: 22.2 deg C. W ar n in g! F lam m able
liqu id an d vapor . May caus e eye and s kin ir r itation. May caus e r es pir ator y and
diges tive tr act ir r itation. May caus e centr al ner vous s ys tem depr es s ion. May caus e
liver damage. May caus e kidney damage. May caus e aller gic s kin r eaction. May caus e
fetal effects bas ed upon animal s tudies . For ms ex plos ive mix tur e with air .
T ar get Or gan s : K idneys , centr al ner vous s ys tem, liver .

P ot en t ial H ealt h E f f ect s
E ye: Vapor s may caus e eye ir r itation. May caus e chemical conj unctivitis and cor neal
S kin : May caus e s kin ir r itation. May caus e s kin s ens itiz ation, an aller gic r eaction,
which becomes evident upon r e- ex pos ur e to this mater ial. Pr olonged and/or
r epeated contact may caus e defatting of the s kin and der matitis . May caus e ir r itation
and der matitis . May caus e cyanos is of the ex tr emities .
I n ges t ion : May caus e gas tr ointes tinal ir r itation with naus ea, vomiting and diar r hea.
May caus e centr al ner vous s ys tem depr es s ion, char acter iz ed by ex citement, followed
by headache, diz z ines s , dr ows ines s , and naus ea. Advanced s tages may caus e
collaps e, uncons cious nes s , coma and pos s ible death due to r es pir ator y failur e.
I nges tion of lar ge amounts may caus e CNS depr es s ion.
I n h alat ion : May caus e r es pir ator y tr act ir r itation. May caus e effects s imilar to thos e
des cr ibed for inges tion. As pir ation may lead to pulmonar y edema. Vapor s may caus e
diz z ines s or s uffocation. May caus e bur ning s ens ation in the ches t.
Ch r on ic: Pr olonged or r epeated s kin contact may caus e defatting and der matitis .
May caus e liver and kidney damage. May caus e fetal effects .

S ection 4 - Fir s t Aid Meas ur es

E yes : I mmediately flus h eyes with plenty of water for at leas t 15 minutes ,
occas ionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids . Get medical aid.
S kin : I mmediately flus h s kin with plenty of s oap and water for at leas t 15 minutes
while r emoving contaminated clothing and s hoes . Get medical aid if ir r itation
develops or per s is ts . Was h clothing befor e r eus e.
I n ges t ion : I f victim is cons cious and aler t, give 2- 4 cupfuls of milk or water . Never
give anything by mouth to an uncons cious per s on. Get medical aid immediately.
I n h alat ion : Remove fr om ex pos ur e to fr es h air immediately. I f not br eathing, give
ar tificial r es pir ation. I f br eathing is difficult, give ox ygen. Get medical aid if cough or
other s ymptoms appear .
N ot es t o P h ys ician : T r eat s ymptomatically and s uppor tively.

S ection 5 - Fir e Fighting Meas ur es

Gen er al I n f or m at ion : As in any fir e, wear a s elf- contained br eathing appar atus in
pr es s ur e- demand, MS HA/NI OS H (appr oved or equivalent), and full pr otective gear .
Water r unoff can caus e envir onmental damage. Dike and collect water us ed to fight
fir e. Vapor s may for m an ex plos ive mix tur e with air . Vapor s can tr avel to a s our ce of
ignition and flas h back. Combus tion gener ates tox ic fumes . Will bur n if involved in a
fir e. Us e water s pr ay to keep fir e- ex pos ed container s cool. Container s may ex plode
in the heat of a fir e. Flammable liquid and vapor . Vapor s may be heavier than air .
T hey can s pr ead along the gr ound and collect in low or confined ar eas . May
accumulate s tatic electr ical char ges , and may caus e ignition of its own vapor s .
E x t in gu is h in g Media: For s mall fir es , us e dr y chemical, car bon diox ide, water s pr ay
or alcohol- r es is tant foam. For lar ge fir es , us e water s pr ay, fog, or alcohol- r es is tant
foam. Us e water s pr ay to cool fir e- ex pos ed container s . Us e foam, dr y chemical, or
car bon diox ide. Water may be ineffective. Do NOT us e s tr aight s tr eams of water .
F las h P oin t : 22.2 deg C ( 71.96 deg F)
Au t oign it ion T em per at u r e: 425 deg C ( 797.00 deg F)
E x plos ion L im it s , L ow er : 1.7
U pper : 7.6
N F P A R at in g: (es timated) Health: 1; Flammability: 3; I ns tability: 0

S ection 6 - Accidental Releas e Meas ur es

Gen er al I n f or m at ion : Us e pr oper per s onal pr otective equipment as indicated in
S ection 8.
S pills / L eaks : Abs or b s pill with iner t mater ial (e.g. ver miculite, s and or ear th), then
place in s uitable container . Clean up s pills immediately, obs er ving pr ecautions in the
Pr otective Equipment s ection. Us e water s pr ay to dis per s e the gas /vapor . Remove all
s our ces of ignition. Abs or b s pill us ing an abs or bent, non- combus tible mater ial s uch
as ear th, s and, or ver miculite. Do not us e combus tible mater ials s uch as s aw dus t.
Us e a s par k- pr oof tool. Pr ovide ventilation. A vapor s uppr es s ing foam may be us ed
to r educe vapor s .

S ection 7 - Handling and S tor age

H an dlin g: Was h thor oughly after handling. Us e with adequate ventilation. Gr ound
and bond container s when tr ans fer r ing mater ial. Us e s par k- pr oof tools and ex plos ion
pr oof equipment. Avoid contact with eyes , s kin, and clothing. Empty container s
r etain pr oduct r es idue, (liquid and/or vapor ), and can be danger ous . K eep container
tightly clos ed. Avoid contact with heat, s par ks and flame. Avoid inges tion and
inhalation. Do not pr es s ur iz e, cut, weld, br az e, s older , dr ill, gr ind, or ex pos e empty
container s to heat, s par ks or open flames .
S t or age: K eep away fr om heat, s par ks , and flame. K eep away fr om s our ces of
ignition. S tor e in a cool, dr y, well- ventilated ar ea away fr om incompatible
s ubs tances . Flammables - ar ea.

S ection 8 - Ex pos ur e Contr ols , Per s onal Pr otection

E n gin eer in g Con t r ols : Us e adequate gener al or local ex haus t ventilation to keep
air bor ne concentr ations below the per mis s ible ex pos ur e limits .
E x pos u r e L im it s

Ch em i cal N am e ACGI H N I OS H OS H A - F i n al P E L s
150 ppm T WA; 710
150 ppm T WA; 200 mg/m3 T WA 1700 150 ppm T WA; 710
N- butyl acetate
ppm S T EL ppm I DLH (10 per cent mg/m3 T WA
lower ex plos ive limit)
OS H A Vacat ed P E L s : N- butyl acetate: 150 ppm T WA; 710 mg/m3 T WA; 200 ppm
S T EL; 950 mg/m3 S T EL
P er s on al P r ot ect ive E qu ipm en t
E yes : Wear appr opr iate pr otective eyeglas s es or chemical s afety goggles as
des cr ibed by OS HA's eye and face pr otection r egulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or
Eur opean S tandar d EN166.
S kin : Wear appr opr iate gloves to pr event s kin ex pos ur e.
Clot h in g: Wear appr opr iate pr otective clothing to pr event s kin ex pos ur e.
R es pir at or s : Follow the OS HA r es pir ator r egulations found in 29CFR 1910.134 or
Eur opean S tandar d EN 149. Always us e a NI OS H or Eur opean S tandar d EN 149
appr oved r es pir ator when neces s ar y.

S ection 9 - Phys ical and Chemical Pr oper ties

P h ys ical S t at e: Liquid
Appear an ce: clear , color les s
Odor : banana- like
pH : Not available.
Vapor P r es s u r e: 15 mm Hg @ 25C
Vapor D en s it y: 4.0 (air = 1)
E vapor at ion R at e: 5.8 (CCl4= 1)
Vis cos it y: Not available.
B oilin g P oin t : 257 deg F
F r eez in g/ Melt in g P oin t : - 107 deg F
D ecom pos it ion T em per at u r e: Not available.
S olu bilit y: S lightly s oluble in water .
S pecif ic Gr avit y/ D en s it y: 0.883 @ 20酶C
Molecu lar F or m u la: C6H12O2
Molecu lar W eigh t : 116.0828

S ection 10 - S tability and Reactivity

Ch em ical S t abilit y: S table at r oom temper atur e in clos ed container s under nor mal
s tor age and handling conditions . For ms ex plos ive mix tur es with air (72掳 F/22掳 C).
Con dit ion s t o Avoid: High temper atur es , incompatible mater ials , ignition s our ces ,
ex ces s heat, s tr ong ox idants , plas tics , r es ins , r ubber .
I n com pat ibilit ies w it h Ot h er Mat er ials : Water , s tr ong ox idiz ing agents , s tr ong
acids , nitr ates , caus tics (e.g. ammonia, ammonium hydr ox ide, calcium hydr ox ide,
potas s ium hydr ox ide, s odium hydr ox ide), potas s ium- ter t- butox ide.
H az ar dou s D ecom pos it ion P r odu ct s : Car bon monox ide, car bon diox ide.
H az ar dou s P olym er iz at ion : Has not been r epor ted.
S ection 11 - T ox icological I nfor mation

R T E CS # :
CAS # 123- 86- 4: AF7350000
L D 5 0 / L C5 0 :
CAS # 123- 86- 4:
Dr aiz e tes t, r abbit, eye: 100 mg Moder ate;
Dr aiz e tes t, r abbit, s kin: 500 mg/24H Moder ate;
I nhalation, mous e: LC50 = 6 gm/m3/2H;
I nhalation, r at: LC50 = 390 ppm/4H;
Or al, mous e: LD50 = 6 gm/kg;
Or al, r abbit: LD50 = 3200 mg/kg;
Or al, r at: LD50 = 10768 mg/kg;
S kin, r abbit: LD50 = > 17600 mg/kg; < B R.

Car cin ogen icit y:
CAS # 123- 86- 4: Not lis ted by ACGI H, I ARC, NI OS H, NT P, or OS HA.
E pidem iology: No infor mation available.
T er at ogen icit y: No infor mation available.
R epr odu ct ive E f f ect s : Embr yo or Fetus : Fetotox icity; S pecific Developmental
Abnor malities : Mus culos keletal,I nhalation r at T CLo= 1500ppm/7H.
N eu r ot ox icit y: No infor mation available.
Mu t agen icit y: No infor mation available.
Ot h er S t u dies : No data available.

S ection 12 - Ecological I nfor mation

E cot ox icit y: Fis h: Fathead Minnow: LC50 = 18.0 mg/L; 96 Hr .; Uns pecified
B luegill/S unfis h: LC50 = 100.0 mg/L; 96 Hr .; S tatic condition flea EC50 = 44.0
mg/L; 48 Hr .; 23 degr ees C : LC50 = 320.0 mg/L; 96 Hr .; Uns pecified r ia:
Phytobacter ium phos phor eum: EC50 = 3100.0- 130 mg/L; 5, 15 minutes ; Micr otox
tes t, 15 degr ees C No data available.
E n vir on m en t al: B as ed on es timated K oc values of 34 and 233, n- butyl acetate may
be s ubj ect to moder ate- to- high leaching. Volatiliz ation fr om dr y s oil s ur faces is likely
to be r apid. n- B utyl acetate may be s us ceptible to s ignificant biodegr adation in
natur al water .
P h ys ical: n- B utyl acetate will ex is t almos t entir ely in the vapor - phas e in the
ambient atmos pher e due to its r elatively high vapor pr es s ur e. T he half- life for the
vapor - phas e r eaction of n- butyl acetate with photochemically pr oduced hydr ox yl
r adicals has been es timated to be about 6 days in an aver age atmos pher e indicating
that this r eaction will be the dominant r emoval mechanis m.
Ot h er : No infor mation available.
S ection 13 - Dis pos al Cons ider ations

Chemical was te gener ator s mus t deter mine whether a dis car ded chemical is
clas s ified as a haz ar dous was te. US EPA guidelines for the clas s ification
deter mination ar e lis ted in 40 CFR Par ts 261.3. Additionally, was te gener ator s mus t
cons ult s tate and local haz ar dous was te r egulations to ens ur e complete and accur ate
clas s ification.
R CR A P -S er ies : None lis ted.
R CR A U -S er ies : None lis ted.

S ection 14 - T r ans por t I nfor mation

Can ada
S h i ppi n g B UT YL B UT YL
H az ar d Cl as s : 3 3(9.2)
U N N u m ber : UN1123 UN1123
P acki n g
Gr ou p:
Addi t i on al FLAS HPOI NT
I n f o: 22 C

S ection 15 - Regulator y I nfor mation


CAS # 123- 86- 4 is lis ted on the T S CA inventor y.
H ealt h & S af et y R epor t in g L is t
None of the chemicals ar e on the Health & S afety Repor ting Lis t.
Ch em ical T es t R u les
None of the chemicals in this pr oduct ar e under a Chemical T es t Rule.
S ect ion 1 2 b
CAS # 123- 86- 4: 4/12b
T S CA S ign if ican t N ew U s e R u le
None of the chemicals in this mater ial have a S NUR under T S CA.

S ect ion 3 0 2 ( R Q)
CAS # 123- 86- 4: final RQ = 5000 pounds (2270 kg)
S ect ion 3 0 2 ( T P Q)
None of the chemicals in this pr oduct have a T PQ.
S AR A Codes
CAS # 123- 86- 4: acute, flammable.
S ect ion 3 1 3
No chemicals ar e r epor table under S ection 313.
Clean Air Act :
T his mater ial does not contain any haz ar dous air pollutants . T his mater ial does not
contain any Clas s 1 Oz one depletor s . T his mater ial does not contain any Clas s 2
Oz one depletor s .
Clean W at er Act :
CAS # 123- 86- 4 is lis ted as a Haz ar dous S ubs tance under the CWA. None of the
chemicals in this pr oduct ar e lis ted as Pr ior ity Pollutants under the CWA. None of the
chemicals in this pr oduct ar e lis ted as T ox ic Pollutants under the CWA.
None of the chemicals in this pr oduct ar e cons ider ed highly haz ar dous by OS HA.
CAS # 123- 86- 4 can be found on the following s tate r ight to know lis ts : Califor nia,
New Jer s ey, Flor ida, Penns ylvania, Minnes ota, Mas s achus etts .
Califor nia No S ignificant Ris k Level: None of the chemicals in this pr oduct ar e lis ted.

E u r opean / I n t er n at ion al R egu lat ion s
E u r opean L abelin g in Accor dan ce w it h E C D ir ect ives
H az ar d S ym bols :
Not available.
R is k P h r as es :
R 10 Flammable.
R 66 Repeated ex pos ur e may caus e s kin dr ynes s or
cr acking.

S af et y P h r as es :
S 25 Avoid contact with eyes .

W GK ( W at er D an ger / P r ot ect ion )
CAS # 123- 86- 4: 1
Can ada - D S L / N D S L
CAS # 123- 86- 4 is lis ted on Canada's DS L Lis t.
Can ada - W H MI S
T his pr oduct has a WHMI S clas s ification of B 2, D1B , D2B .
Can adian I n gr edien t D is clos u r e L is t
CAS # 123- 86- 4 is lis ted on the Canadian I ngr edient Dis clos ur e Lis t.
E x pos u r e L im it s
CAS # 123- 86- 4: OEL- AUS T RALI A: T WA 150 ppm (710 mg/m3); S T EL 200 ppm (9
50 mg/m3) OEL- AUS T RI A: T WA 200 ppm (950 mg/m3) OEL- B ELGI UM: T WA 150 pp
m (713 mg/m3); S T EL 200 ppm (950 mg/m3) OEL- CZ ECHOS LOVAK I A: T WA 400 mg/
m3; S T EL 1000 mg/m3 OEL- DENMARK : T WA 150 ppm (710 mg/m3) OEL- FI NLAND: T
WA 150 ppm (710 mg/m3); S T EL 200 ppm (950 mg/m3) OEL- FRANCE: T WA 150 pp
m (710 mg/m3); S T EL 200 ppm (940 mg/m3) OEL- GERMANY: T WA 200 ppm (950 m
g/m3) OEL- HUNGARY: T WA 200 mg/m3; S T EL 600 mg/m3 OEL- I NDI A: T WA 150 ppm
(710 mg/m3); S T EL 200 ppm (950 mg/m3) OEL- JAPAN: T WA 200 ppm (950 mg/m
3) OEL- T HE NET HERLANDS : T WA 150 ppm (710 mg/m3) OEL- T HE PHI LI PPI NES : T
WA 150 ppm (710 mg/m3) OEL- POLAND: T WA 200 mg/m3 OEL- RUS S I A: T WA 200 p
pm; S T EL 200 mg/m3 OEL- S WEDEN: T WA 100 ppm (500 mg/m3); S T EL 150 ppm (70
0 mg/m3) OEL- S WI T Z ERLAND: T WA 150 ppm (700 mg/m3); S T EL 300 ppm OEL- T U
RK EY: T WA 150 ppm (710 mg/m3) OEL- UNI T ED K I NGDOM: T WA 150 ppm (710 mg/m

S ection 16 - Additional I nfor mation

MS D S Cr eat ion D at e: 6/16/1999
R evis ion # 4 D at e: 04/18/2003
T he infor mation above is believed to be accur ate and r epr es ents the bes t infor mation cur r ently available to us .
However , we make no war r anty of mer chantability or any other war r anty, ex pr es s or implied, with r es pect to
s uch infor mation, and we as s ume no liability r es ulting fr om its us e. Us er s s hould make their own inves tigations to
deter mine the s uitability of the infor mation for their par ticular pur pos es . I n no event s hall Electr on Micr os copy
S ciences be liable for any claims , los s es , or damages of any thir d par ty or for los t pr ofits or any s pecial, indir ect,
incidental, cons equential or ex emplar y damages , hows oever ar is ing, even if Electr on Micr os copy S ciences has
been advis ed of the pos s ibility of s uch damages .

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